April 2020

Pink Moon Summation

Ein Viertel des Jahres ist Weg

The last New Moon was 14 days ago. Only two weeks, as it ever is, but two weeks during which this scholar felt like she was being filled up to overflowing with thoughts thoughts thoughts. Useful thoughts, ridiculous thoughts, try-hard thoughts, I’ve-gotta-change-my-ways thoughts, not enough filmy pretty thoughts, no juicy thoughts, just in-for-mation. I’m overextended, to no real purpose, and until this morning (wah what a bad sleep from all that moonlight) I felt so pressured that if I whistled I’m sure steam would have come out. All this round and round in the mental space. And nothing concrete to show for it.

For much of the last fortnight (we really ought to go back to measuring by fortnights–fornights linked to the MOON cycle how romantic is that–) my thoughts were:

I’m so behind. Oh god, I’m a fool, I’m so behind.

There is no space to breathe. There is no space between. There are too many things to take in, to read and to know. Do we exist to shove down material, material, information even if it comes in the form of great knowledge, cool science, or classic books?

No. We need to breathe and have an experience. We need space to be wrong and foolhardy.

I felt like all the space was being pressed out of my life.

Luckily, extremely luckily, it appears to have mostly been a celestial phenomenon. I feel better today. Today—there is time. Time to do all the needful tasks, and a few dollops of sitting on the balcony feeling the sun’s rays after a long winter (think back– you can’t remember the beginning of it, can you?) and to write a tidbit extra. Thank goodness. If I don’t have a good waffle every once and awhile I feel I’m going to burst. And at this point in the Corona-quarantine I have pretty much verbally expressed every potential thing that I have to say, so better write it.

Let’s structure this waffle-post into three sections:

  1. Celebration
  2. Preparation / Illumination
  3. Exploration

1. Celebration:

On March 28, 2020 this blog celebrated being 1 year old! That’s really amazing, mostly to me. I can’t believe I have kept it going–I can’t believe I have been brave enough to write in public. I am so, so happy that it has been available for me to let some of my extra words out upon. It has been so necessary. It’s been a joy. It has helped me do that thing–you know, that thing they call “finding your voice.” It isn’t fully found yet, but it’s a very interesting personal search.

Do I have any plans for this blog? No. It’s not a side-hustle, and I am not a brand. Just that it continues to exist.

2.a. Preparation:

I just want to wheeze on a tiny bit more about my work-worries. 1) There is SO much more that I need to know, before I am done this PhD. Whew. That is terrifying but needs to be said. 2) I cannot believe how much TIME it takes to understand something—to be sure about even the most “basic” things.

I have come to the point where I have to justify the reasoning underpinning the corpus of texts I have chosen to work on. Of course, I have been working hard to understand theses texts for years, I hit upon my method of gathering data from them in late 2017, but in order to write this section of my thesis with authority I need to have read ALL the books and ALL their footnotes. I need to comb through my database, which already has 4,000 entries multiple times to track the museum numbers of specific objects. I need to check and re-check. And it is taking FOREVER.

All of this has to be done, in order to prove assertions that I started working from, years ago. But I couldn’t have worked out every parameter beforehand, years ago I wasn’t able to even ask the questions I am asking now, or see the potential problems other, more knowledgeable people might see. When it’s night and you can’t see farther than your own hand, you just stumble onward until you hit something.

Somehow, I thought this fact-checking process would not have taken as long as it has, it has eaten the last fortnight and will consume at least another. So I must bow to the reality that I will be fortunate if this “Provenance Problem” is fully sorted out by the end of April. I need to know it all, every word and number that has been printed regarding these objects, or someone will find a hole, and so much may crumble. I am a bit antsy, this seems such basic work—and I have been working off my assumptions for years, they have worn into comforting certitudes. However,only in the last week did I find 8 more rogue tablets which must be added to my corpus—Dios mío that comes from not reading a footnote fully. Comforting assumptions are not enough—I must get to the bottom of it all. Goodbye April—you too are vanishing into the mist.

2.b. Illumination:

A couple posts ago, I wrote about the blissful occurrence I have experienced, and one which I (desperately) hoped would come again, that of “every four months or so the clouds part and I realize something new about my work.” Well, that has kind of happened again, I have had a small breakthrough in the foreground while I have been chopping wood for my database in the background. The clouds parted—and I realized something that might have been obvious to any casual observer—but I have been looking at things too closely. I’ll paraphrase: basically, I have been “saving” all my history facts regarding a particular ancient city for ages, with the intention to write them up as the first chapter of my thesis, in actuality, as the introduction to it.

This past week, as the moon waxed, I realized: my thesis is called “Early Sumerian at Ancient City X”; it’s not called “Here’s a History of Ancient City X.” Good grief. I don’t have to, and I shouldn’t, write a long-winded introductory chapter treading all the ground several others have been over before. I only need to write a neat synopsis on Early Sumerian. (This will in fact be extremely “neat” in terms of “one whisky please, neat” because we do not know much about Early Sumerian). It will also be a hell of a lot more interesting (and that comes from someone in love with history) because I will be writing about what we don’t know, the questions we still seek to pose, which are so much more exciting, like tight-roping without a net.

So the clouds scudded out of the way and in a flash I saw: that writing about the language under consideration will create a much more useful introduction to a thoroughly philological dissertation. (The lovingly collected historical facts will be worked in at relevant junctures).

Sometimes you don’t know until you know.

3. Exploration:

Well, now that you have had (and even I have had) enough chat about my thesis and my budget (thank you it’s been very cathartic) I will give a quick recap of the books I have been looking into. I’m not going to overload myself in any way, this is a time for letting it all fall apart after all. I’m hearing “My Life in Middlemarch” on Audiobook, which is a memoir I listen to while cleaning or cooking; it’s interesting. I plan to write more about Middlemarch on this blog–I’m not done with it.

What I am done with is Lincoln in the Bardo, whoa, it is WAY too sad. And hits too close to home, reading it would be a misery. Not gonna do it, stopped it and will put it in the zu verschenken. Although it’s not like I wish that misery on the person who picks it up…Well, it has to go out of our house, that’s all. I guess it was interesting and experimental, but nope, not for me.

I have started kind of a silly thing, the DORKIEST thing really, let’s see where I get to. I’m going to sort of (and not if it gets too taxing) work through Shakespeare’s English History plays. Why? Who knows. But night is the time when we dance and bounce about! So…the time is now.

I am actually reading the major tome that is The Mirror and the Light, by Hillary Mantel—this may have suggested my Shakespeare fancy to me, or else something is in the air…I’m barely a quarter of the way in, and I am already rationing this book. I am trying NOT to read it. I want to make it last longer. I think it is the best written of the Trilogy, maybe the plot of Wolf Hall has faster wheels, but the prose…it’s just…sooooo intricate. I do not know how it was created—well, it is clear that it was woven. And it is beautiful, not dull at all although distilled from approximately one million droplets of impression and memory. I suppose if I only read this, my year is complete. But I am craving something for afters, something light light light. Powder light. Cotton-candy airy.

Let me know if you have any suggestions. If not, I put my trust in quarterly flashes of insight.

A Fragmented February

It swam through me

Book Choice for February 2020: Coke Machine Glow by Gordon Downie

Dear Readers—we are in a pandemic. I know it didn’t sound like I knew that in my last post, which was written slightly before, but I was aware. And now we are all getting used to our new Ausgangsbeschrankungen (restrictions on our ability to go out). I won’t go into detail again about how these things do not change my life overly much, I have been hermiting indoors for years it seems, or the tremendous privileges that allow me to do so. I’ll just say: I hope you all stay safe. And that we have learned that all healthcare staff and essential workers are the bravest people on the planet.

February was a weird month for me, it wasn’t really a month. There was “the time we went on holiday” and the time after that just jelled with the first half of March into one mass. I wanted to sit down and write about these times and what I feel, but no discrete themes come to mind.

I found it, and am still finding it, hard to concentrate, and difficult to settle to anything serious. I have been having weird dreams, my mind still seems to be stuck recycling the past (why always the same period of the past)… About two weeks ago my stomach was falling through the floor daily, watching the numbers double every morning on the corona-map, while many governments refused to act. Anyway. This sort of thing clearly breaks people who got into leadership for the wrong reasons. A pretty vicious winnowing fork. (Umm, do I seriously not have a more modern metaphor to hand…?)

Anywhoo, I feel scattered. There aren’t enough metaphors for how “random” I feel (that’s what we used to say in high school one thousand years ago)….soo random.… In the last stretched-out month I had about SO many little jobs to do for other people that just kept hanging around forever and getting in the way of my thesis. But now that I think of it, I am not sure that I could have accomplished much even if I had had a clear field. Since I couldn’t fix my mind on any constructive long-term purpose I read the poetry collection pictured above to the end.

I had started it before, and since the poems are just fragments, miscreant verses who slept in too long to make it into one of Downie’s songs, I managed, over several random days (randomimity is the only constant right now) to finish the book off. Not that finishing a poetry collection is the goal of such a collection: basically I drank the water down til there wasn’t any more.

Gord Downie. Gord Downie was…

It’s terrible to have to say that Gord Downie was…

It’s impossible to think that a piece of the soul of Canada has died, but, no man is immortal.

Luckily, his songs are. And although I didn’t find too many gems in this poetry collection, I don’t care. I wanted the book because I wanted a part of IT. That thing. All of the intangible moments The Tragically Hip gifted our country across the years, and also that final tour in 2016 when Canada came together to, well, worship. The unforgettable outdoor gatherings, big screens in the streets and everybody out together to hear Downie and his band finish what they had started in Kingston twenty years before. Twenty years was too short a time. It should have been longer. Their first album came out in 1989. Deee-fer-ent times.

It was the only manifestation, ever, of a good kind of nationalism. And I have found out over the years that the Hip don’t really translate, you have to be a Canadian, born or acquired, to get it. He’s our poet. Our beautifully strident warbler, who hit us with nonsense truer than true, that only we can decipher.

“Grunt work time between dream state and duty
Poking through with all them shoots of beauty”

“But when she saw that nickel stack
She whistled hard and I whistled back, Thompson Girl”

-Thompson Girl (1998)

“I know you’re standing at the station
I know there’s nothing on
I know that alienation
I know the train’s long gone

I can see how your face tautens
Like you’ve got something on
It makes me feel just rotten
But you’ve got something on”

-Phantom Power (1998)

This way of making words so much more than words is obviously beyond me, as is all musicality. And as I was sitting down to write this, I thought “I should listen to all their stuff! I should go through their complete discography and hear it again and know it…” and then it dawned on me that this is the rather deadened way I take on a lot of my projects. It’s got to be COMPREHENSIVE OR BUST. But that is not life. It’s not a ffing tick-checklist. I love the Hip, I suggest you do the obvious and love them too. Gord died of brain cancer, somehow, but they will never vanish from the earth. And I don’t need to STUDY them to know that I love them, that I get them, that I am so grateful they get me. Sometime I will be home again and they will be on the radio, as they always are, and I’ll be driving into the weak winter sunset that nevertheless still blinds you and I will hear them, because they are just there, in the air, and I will have that highway moment that we all have.

Thank you, boys.